Good Morning!!! It's the first day of October!!! You know what that means.... It's a new month for me to create a new way of living for me and my family. First, I am happy to announce that I am down 3 pounds from last weeks weigh in!!! HOORAY!!!'s time to head to the 180's!!! I am excited to be able to focus on weight loss without focusing on weight loss. After all, I'm not giving any time to negativity. As I was looking through pins on pinterest, I ran across the wonderful quote at the top of my blog!!! As a perfectionist, I need to be reminded of this. No matter how many times I tell myself that mistakes happen, I end up irritated that I didn't meet the mark of perfection. Corletta, DING DONG, it's ok :) Though I love to talk more, it's shower time. I just finished spending much needed time with God!! Now, it's time to get myself ready for work :) Just know; I will be working hard this week! Did I mention that we're getting a 3rd foster child tomorrow?!?!?! YIKES....
Happy Monday!
This blog will be a day to day overview of the struggles and successes I have. I will work hard without excuse!!! I will post honestly, even when it's tough.
Monday, October 1, 2012
Thursday, September 27, 2012
What Day Is It :/
Where have I been?!?! I'm still here!!! I promise! Though weight loss hasn't been stellar, I am learning to make healthier choices and set boundaries. Thanks to the Fall, my active life can get more exciting. I confess; since my mother-in-laws passing, it's been hard getting back on the wagon. Though life is back to normal, the break that had to come has made getting back on track Oooo SO DIFFICULT. I do think that I will be able to celebrate being in the 100's again this weekend, but dog-on-it, I should be much further along in this journey :( At this point, I need to move on. I can't harp on the fact that I haven't been all that I started out to be. In fact, I can't harp on the fact that life takes unexpected turns. This girl is pressing on. Let's be honest; I'm learning to be flexible. I'm learning that it's ok to create a plan that does not quite turn out the way that you originally set out for it to turn out. Corletta, IT'S OK!!! So...I am just plugging along. Life as a therapist has been CRAZY BUSY!! I love my kiddos, but God Bless their DRAMA :) Speaking of drama, did I mention that my husband and I will be getting a new foster child on Tuesday?!?!?! HOLY MOLY!!!! I will be the parent of 3 foster babies!!! Did I mention that we don't have any children of our own? Yea...this will be the first time I've been totally responsible for a 1 year old :/ EEEKKKKKKK.....
Anyways...I wanted to update you all on all of the current events in my life. I know it's been way to long since I've been on here. As a matter of fact, I'm gonna make a pact with myself. I, Corletta B, will blog at least a sentence a day to stay connected with those that are pursuing similar goals as myself. OK....there you have it!!! You will hear from me even if it's only to say, I'm up with a screaming 1 year old :) I hope that each of you are having a great Thursday!!! Stay coming soon....
Thursday, September 13, 2012
It's Day 32 of my 70 day challenge. Man...I am tired!!! Today was one of the first days that I realized that I have a tough job. As a high school therapist, I speak to so many high school students. I get to share in their joy as well as in their pain. Yesterday and today were painful days for the majority of them :/ I'm sure you can guess what that meant for me. got it. I was/am tired and unmotivated to workout :( GOOD NEWS.....
I worked out despite my desire to head to bed early. Thanks to my husband and this quote, I'm encouraged to keep pushing. I want to be more fit. I want to love health and fitness!!! So...I gotta get moving. I've got to break a sweat!
Today was Insanity's pure cardio day. HOLY CANOLI....IT WAS PURE POOP :) Insanity makes me question my sanity EVERY time I do it. No really...EVERY TIME. I wonder if that's what their going for?!?!?!
Wait, wait, wait....did I mention that this girl is also battling a stomach bug? I know; I need a break from tough stuff! Oh well...I'm a firm believer that we can't truly experience success without experiencing trials.
All's bed time :) Talk to you soon!!!
p.s. New readers....WELCOME!!!!
I worked out despite my desire to head to bed early. Thanks to my husband and this quote, I'm encouraged to keep pushing. I want to be more fit. I want to love health and fitness!!! So...I gotta get moving. I've got to break a sweat!
Today was Insanity's pure cardio day. HOLY CANOLI....IT WAS PURE POOP :) Insanity makes me question my sanity EVERY time I do it. No really...EVERY TIME. I wonder if that's what their going for?!?!?!
Wait, wait, wait....did I mention that this girl is also battling a stomach bug? I know; I need a break from tough stuff! Oh well...I'm a firm believer that we can't truly experience success without experiencing trials.
All's bed time :) Talk to you soon!!!
p.s. New readers....WELCOME!!!!
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Hmm....taking a break from blogging has me at a loss for words :/ I have so much to say, but so little space or time to say it. Just know; I just finished my Insanity workout with my hubby. Yes, I did puke :/ Bless was ridiculously hard. Oh well...I'm not giving up :) I can do this!! I'm gonna do this!!! In fact, I've learned a valuable lesson from my mommy-in-law's passing. I've realized that God has entrusted me with one body and one life. I am to be a good steward of both. I've rushed so much of my life trying to get to the next goal. Today, I'm meeting today's potential. At the end of each day, I want to be able to say that I did everything I could to truly honor my Savior and the gifts that He's given to me. So...though I have a weight loss goal in mind, I'm focusing on every second of every day as if it's my last, for it may be.
Thank you Jesus for LIFE!!!!
Saturday, September 1, 2012
As you can see, it has been a few days since I've posted. Reassured, I have been working hard!! This girl has not fallen off the wagon. In fact, look to the right to see this week's progress. Yes, I am pretty proud of that! Let me just say, this not getting on the scale thing was HARD. It seemed as though all I thought about was weighing myself. I wanted to know...each day. I just couldn't wait to see what the scale would reveal. BUT.....I didn't weigh. I didn't even take a peek. Can you believe it?!?!!? Anyways...I am pumped I was able to lose 4 pounds! Time to press on for another 4 pound loss.
Though I rather not have to share this news, I know that it's important to confess the things that make this journey tough. This morning, at around 2 am, my hubby and I got the call that his mother had passed away :( It was the worst news that could have come out of his mouth. My heart hurt for him. I wanted to be able to reverse things so that he wouldn't ever have to get that kind of call. I couldn't. I was helpless. All I wanted to do was make it go away. Though the details of her death are still being discussed, it appears to have been a health related issue. Though I want to have her here, I want nothing more than for her to continue to enjoy the prescence of Christ! I know that she loved Jesus with all of her heart!! For that, my hubby and I are greatful!! Please pray for my family during this time. Though there are things in life we can't control, there are things that we can!!
Today, I'm cherishing my family, life, health, and this journey!!!
Happy Saturday!
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Oh my word!!!! Today, I did the unthinkable. I made goals and stuck to them!! (INSERT HAPPY DANCE). In fact, I woke up not wanting to do Insanity; however, I kept it to myself. I tell ya; the morning is my weakest time :( It's the time where it's easy for me to say, "Nah, sleep is way more important than meeting my goals." If my brain were working at 4:30 am, I would know better. Right?!?! I blame it on the coziness of my bed :)
Today was really just an average day. Though I wanted to weigh myself, I knew that it wasn't going to do me any good. After all, I need to push hard until Saturday's weigh in. If I've lost weight,'s time to lose more. If I haven't lost as much as I'd like....NO BIG's not Saturday yet :) Because this is my attitude, I kept my butt off the scale. I confess; as a scale addict, I might have had a withdrawal. I almost talked myself into having a little peek, but decided against it! Yes, I am proud of that :)
Last but not least...I did Insanity not once, but TWICE. I was really aching for a good cardio workout that didn't require me to get back in to my car. So...I cranked up my plyo cardio video from this morning. HOLY MOLY!!! I don't know why I thought it'd be fun to do. Oh's done and this girl doesn't regret doing it. It appears that I've realized that I've got what it takes, but my goal will take everything I've got!!! Great quote...huh?
Happy Wednesday night :)
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Bless America!! I can't get my butt to blog on the weekends to save my life :/ With kids and a full-time job, it really is the last thing on my mind. I do want to post something each day, if only a little something. Though my journey isn't going perfectly, I'm learning about myself each day. No really...I'm beginning to understand the way that I tick. In my mind, that's part of the battle. Here's the thing; I'm not giving up! I have set a goal for myself that will be met by Oct 25!!! I know; that's a random date!! That's actually the date my family and by best friends's (<----- not sure that's a word ) families will be vacationing together!!! I want to look and feel great! Better yet, I want to have established healthy habits for me and my family!!! Don't get me wrong; I want to lose weight! I want to see a certain number on the scale; however, what I want more than anything is to have a heart and mind that desire health and wellness!! I want to enjoy getting up and sweating in the am's!! I want to be able to choose a yummy salad over pizza because my body craves it!! You know?!?!!?
After reading this quote, I realized that I want to be strong. I want to be strong in mind, body, and spirit. After all, when one area is lacking, they all do. Losing weight is hard. Reshaping my mind is heart. At this point, I know that I can meet my goal, but something in the back of my mind tells me that I won't. My mind is so weak and distracted by the times that I have failed in this pursuit before. It's like I don't want to remember the time that I lost 45 pounds by myself. Admitting that I've done it before removes all excuse of me not being able to do it again. I can!!!, I will move forward in my endeavor to rid myself of excess. I will drink water when I'm hungry to make sure that I'm not really thirsty. Lastly, I will not get on the scale 10 times a day! Starting yesterday :) , this girl is a one day a week weigher :) So...stay tuned for Saturday's results...
Happy Tuesday :)
After reading this quote, I realized that I want to be strong. I want to be strong in mind, body, and spirit. After all, when one area is lacking, they all do. Losing weight is hard. Reshaping my mind is heart. At this point, I know that I can meet my goal, but something in the back of my mind tells me that I won't. My mind is so weak and distracted by the times that I have failed in this pursuit before. It's like I don't want to remember the time that I lost 45 pounds by myself. Admitting that I've done it before removes all excuse of me not being able to do it again. I can!!!, I will move forward in my endeavor to rid myself of excess. I will drink water when I'm hungry to make sure that I'm not really thirsty. Lastly, I will not get on the scale 10 times a day! Starting yesterday :) , this girl is a one day a week weigher :) So...stay tuned for Saturday's results...
Happy Tuesday :)
Friday, August 24, 2012
So...yesterday afternoon,
I decided to go for a quick run. I knew that I only had about 30 minutes. Though it seemed that the night's routine would go better if I skipped the gym, I thought, "I have to put myself as a priority. I am just as important as the people that God has entrusted to me." So...I took my hiney to the gym and I ran a quick three miles :) While in the locker room, I ran into 3 other ladies that, like myself, weren't feeling the gym that day. I encouraged them with today's blog quote. It's so true!! We NEVER regret working out, but often regret not working out. I'm keeping this in the forefront of my mind. Who wants to live with regret? Not me!!!
This morning hott hubby and I completed another round of Insanity. Thankfully, it was the light cardio recovery day. Which, I'm sure, means that something TERRIBLE is to come :/ Oh well...we're up for the challenge!! At this point, all I'm thinking about is tomorrow's weigh in. I've got lost pounds to be reflected on that scale tomorrow! So...Insanity, you and your insane workouts better bring it :)
Happy FRIDAY!!!!
I decided to go for a quick run. I knew that I only had about 30 minutes. Though it seemed that the night's routine would go better if I skipped the gym, I thought, "I have to put myself as a priority. I am just as important as the people that God has entrusted to me." So...I took my hiney to the gym and I ran a quick three miles :) While in the locker room, I ran into 3 other ladies that, like myself, weren't feeling the gym that day. I encouraged them with today's blog quote. It's so true!! We NEVER regret working out, but often regret not working out. I'm keeping this in the forefront of my mind. Who wants to live with regret? Not me!!!
This morning hott hubby and I completed another round of Insanity. Thankfully, it was the light cardio recovery day. Which, I'm sure, means that something TERRIBLE is to come :/ Oh well...we're up for the challenge!! At this point, all I'm thinking about is tomorrow's weigh in. I've got lost pounds to be reflected on that scale tomorrow! So...Insanity, you and your insane workouts better bring it :)
Happy FRIDAY!!!!
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Day 11/70
Let's begin with progress pictures. Here you go!!
** The sweat is from this morning's Insanity workout. See! I told you I sweat like a man :)
Man...I love progress pictures! For me, they keep me accountable and remind me of how hard I've worked. At this point, there's only two; however, I swear I can already see a difference :) I will say; though insanity is hard, it has gotten a bit easier. HOORAY!!! I'll be honest, I don't know how people do difficult workouts by their lonesome. Anyways...this girl is eating well, exercising, and loving life!!! Hopefully I will have a good weight loss number to share!!! MY FINGERS ARE CROSSED!!!
Happy Thursday!
p.s. Sorry that the pictures are dark and blurry. These were taken this morning, by my hubby, at 5 am :) Cut us some slack :/
** The sweat is from this morning's Insanity workout. See! I told you I sweat like a man :)
1st Week (Front) |
2nd Week (Front) |
1st Week (Side) |
2nd Week (Side) |
1st Week (Back) |
2nd Week (Back) |
Man...I love progress pictures! For me, they keep me accountable and remind me of how hard I've worked. At this point, there's only two; however, I swear I can already see a difference :) I will say; though insanity is hard, it has gotten a bit easier. HOORAY!!! I'll be honest, I don't know how people do difficult workouts by their lonesome. Anyways...this girl is eating well, exercising, and loving life!!! Hopefully I will have a good weight loss number to share!!! MY FINGERS ARE CROSSED!!!
Happy Thursday!
p.s. Sorry that the pictures are dark and blurry. These were taken this morning, by my hubby, at 5 am :) Cut us some slack :/
Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Happy Wednesday!
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
9/70....I will not lose hope ;)

Happy Tuesday!
p.s. I lost 2 pounds last week! Not what I wanted, but I'll take it!!!
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Day 3 and 4/70
So...this morning, I woke up with a new attitude. I said, "Dang it...I'm not gonna try to workout, I'm gonna do it!" This quote is right! There is a difference between trying and being triumphant!!! I've gotta put in the work :), I started with a 5 mile run....all by my lonesome. Though my husband could have run with me, he didn't "feel" like it. Ya'll....if I have to do this by my dang self....I'm gonna do it!!! I'm not waiting around for someone to "want" to do this with me! My 'hard as all get out' run was followed by a yummy strawberry smoothie. As I type this blog, I'm downing some cold ice water!! See how today is gonna be better than yesterday?!?!!?
Here are some things that I'm gonna do to stay on track:
- Food Journal (Count Calories)
- Drink @ least a gallon of water a day
- Blog
- Weigh ONLY once a week
8/16/12 After 5 mile run |
p.s. Pictures will be posted every Thursday!
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Day 2/70 I looked at my Pinterest boards for clever things to post, I came across this. I loved it so much, I had to share! First, let me update you from yesterday. I decided, last night, not to go to Body Pump. The old Corletta would beat herself up about this decision. After all, I didn't have anything better to do. The new Corletta, however, continued to eat well and make the best of the rest of the night. Wait a minute...the reason that I was unable to make it to the gym is because I was TOTALLY sidetracked my my cussing 4 year old foster son :( I spent so much energy rehashing our previous conversations that I was not feeling it. So...I skipped it. Fast forward to today. I made it to my morning Body Pump!!! For those of you that have never been, IT IS A WORKOUT OUT!!! WHAT THE HECK?!?!?! Why would something so simple be so hard?!?!?! I was sweating like you would not believe! I confess; I could sweat just watching others exercise. I....Corletta B...sweat like a man :) I digress! I've decided that I will be hitting the gym again tonight for a spin and core class!!! Though I did get a good workout in, there's nothing like a good cardio class, at least to me. On Day 2 of this journey, I am beginning to realize that it's important for me to get used to being umcomfortable. In fact, I just read this very same thing on one of my favorite blogs. Getting fat is easy. Making excuses is easy. Getting fit and staying fit...not so easy!!! Here's to doing the right thing even when it doesn't "feel" so right!!!! Just like the picture above, there is nothing that's impossible!!!! IM POSSIBLE!!!!
Happy Tuesday!
Happy Tuesday!
Monday, August 13, 2012
1/70...Headed in the right direction...
It's Day 1 of 70 days to get fit!!! Yes; I did make my own challenge :) I'm a girl that likes challenges, goals, deadlines, and most of all REWARDS!!!!! So...I've decided that I am giving myself 10 weeks to take my life back. Once retrieved, I will cherish it forever. Before spilling my guts, I've noticed that there are readers of my blog that don't respond. SHAME ON ALL OF YOU :) I would love to hear from you!!! So...don't be strangers. Introduce yourselves!!!
Now...back to the blog!!! I've run marathons, 1/2 marathons, 10k's, 8k's, and 5k's!! I love everything about cardio and strength training. Let's just say, I've been that girl that's tried to out train a poor diet. I've known that it's not possible, but I guess I wasn't uncomfortable enough. In my BUSY life, I've made excuses for not hitting the gym as often as possible. Let's be honest, there were times that my body craved the gym, but my mind said, "Nah...take it easy and watch some tv. After all, you've had a long day." It's true; most of my days are long and hard, but what feels better than a good hard sweat at the gym??!!?! That's right...not much!!!
I'm motivated, determined, and will not allow anything to get in my way! I'm tired of reminiscing about the girl I once was. It's time to get that girl back. In fact, she never really went anywhere. I just allowed life to slow down the drive of a natural athlete/competitor. I am hard on myself because I know what I'm capable of. I promise, this time around, that I will work hard without excuse, but will listen to my body. I will enjoy every bit of the next 70 days. With a broken toe, the Olympics, and a hectic summer behind me, I'm ready to push forward for my gold metal!!!! Gold Metal you ask?!?!?? A hott pair of jeans before I begin trying to have a baby!!! Yea...that's the other part of this journey. Though many would disagree, I want to get healthy prior to trying to get pregnant :) I know, I know...I'm gonna gain weight anyways. Here's what I'm thinking...I want to have healthy habits formed so that when I begin that process, I will be the best version of me for my family. After all...when mama's happy, EVERYONE'S HAPPY!!!! Happy Monday!
p.s. I went for a 5 mile run with my hott husband this morning!!! Tonight...BODY PUMP :)
Saturday, August 11, 2012
Alright....this is one step in the right direction...'s me again! It's only the 1000th time I've attempted blogging about this journey. I could look back and get frustrated, but I will choose to let my past failures fuel today's success.'s been frustrating being one that's sabotaged my progress. Why??? Well...that is still to be determined. I do know that I have a real control issue when it comes to food. You may even say that I have an eating d/o. Now, as a therapist, I know I don't have anything that can be clinically diagnosed, but there is a real issue. When I'm stressed, I eat. When I'm happy, I eat. When I celebrate, I eat. Eating isn't the problem, it's what I eat and how much that continues to keep me the same. I LOVE TO EXERCISE!!! One of the problems is that I workout while continuing to eat poorly. You got it; that keeps me the same weight. I get excited when I see pounds lost, but because I celebrate with food, I end up in the same place. THIS CYCLE HAS DRIVEN ME CRAZY for the last time!!! I ended a previous blog because I didn't want to confess that I had not lost the weight that I wanted to. I was tired of posting the same kind of thing. So...I stopped posting. It's my time again. I have to work hard, but allow myself to make mistakes. Because I am an all or nothing person, I have a very difficult time allowing mistakes to fuel me. Though I know that I'm not perfect, I try to be. That's another problem. I am going to set daily, weekly, and monthly goals for myself. It's time to track the good, bad, and indifferent. Being honest with myself today is going to help me achieve the things I want for tomorrow. So...follow me as I go for the goal!!!
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Valentine's Day....Day 2
It's Day 2 and it's Valentine's Day! As I began to think about the day, I thought that this picture summed it all up. During my time searching Pinterest :), I found this wonderful picture! This verse reminds me that I have the ability to love God because God first loved me. Christ died so that I could be presented righteous before God. Christ presented Himself to God so that I might live!! You know what? It's time to live! It's time to look at today for what it is. Today,I am alive and able to love others and MYSELF! I need to love what God has created!! One way that I'm loving those around me is by loving myself. When I've taken care of myself spiritually, physically and emotionally, I am able to love the world in a whole new way!! I love loving! I love giving!! Though my day started off a bit stressful, it has all turned out to be a great day!! Yes, I did miss my am workout to grocery shop at 4am :) Yes, I did have to wait in line because Wal-mart's registers were all down. Yes, I was told that I may have to leave my groceries there due to the register problem. Yup...I am home with a feverish child. Yes, my husband and I did report our debit card lost (in our house ).
I am on track and I'm loving life today!
I can no longer let bumps in the road derail me from my fitness journey. Dang...if I did, I would FOREVER be derailed. It's time to take charge.
Yesterday I may have said tomorrow, BUT today, I'm saying TODAY!!! Today is my day to live! Today is my day to love! Today is my day to WORK HARD!!!
Happy Tuesday!
Monday, February 13, 2012
Thanks to Pinterest.... Day 1
As one that's sick of the fluctuation in weight and as one that sweats like a man, this quote is right up my alley :) Now, you must understand, I have recently been introduced to Pinterest. JUST IN TIME :) Just in time for what, you may ask. Well...I'll tell ya. I have a marathon coming up in 26 days. That is exactly 3 weeks and 5 days. HOLY MOLY! Do I feel prepared? Not really :( Don't get me wrong; I have been running. In fact, I have been running A TON! Here's the thing. I have yet to meet any of my weight loss goals. Here's the cylce:
- Start Hard
- Lose Some Pounds
- Become Excited with Loss
- Reward Myself with a Food Celebration
- Regain the Weight Loss
- Get Discouraged
- Begin AGAIN...
I may have just had an 'ah-ha' moment! As a therapist, I help my students identify problems in the cycle. Well dang! I might have just found the problem in mine. It appears that I celebrate with the wrong thing. I must find another way to celebrate! At this point, self control with unhealthy food is a NEGATIVE. After looking through motivational quotes on Pinterest, I ran across this one:
YUP! This one is right on. In fact, I think I've been hiding behind the fact that I do hide fat well. YUCK :( I do keep a food journal, but there are times that only a few things get written down. I no longer want to pretend that things are peachy. I want to admit my flaws for what they are :) Boy, this sure is liberating! Anyways...I have decided to post a little something each day to remind myself of my ability to end marathon training well! So...stayed tuned, it's going to be an interesting 26 DAYS! Here's today's far...
- Completed Morning Workout (3 mile run)
- Stayed Within Calorie Range
- Headed to the Gym for my pm workout!
See ya in the morning!
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Oooo...just a bump in the road...
Yup...this was how I felt on the day of my weekly weigh in, DISCOURAGED. Really? I went to the gym EVERY DAY. I consumed a gallon of water EVERY DAY. Yes, TOM was right around the corner, but 4 pounds gained...REALLY? I could have taken this opportunity to be motivate to continue, knowing that I had worked diligently that week; however, I allowed this to push me right over the edge....into emotional eating :/ Since the weigh in, I've gotten back on track. In honesty, I don't stay off of track for very long. Thank God :) The only problem with getting off track and getting back on is that I continue to play around with the same 5 pounds. If I see 195 on that scale one more time...I'm breaking that scale.... :)
I'm no genius, but I know that somethings gotta change. I'm gonna let bumps in the road remind me that I'm moving. I'm going to let obstacles remind me that there's a goal. So, I've had to figure a few things out. I've decided that I am only going to allow myself to weigh in ONCE a week. I can't allow myself to get on the scale anymore than that. If I see a good number, I treat myself. If I see a "bad" number, I treat myself. See where this is going?!?!? There have been times where my relationship with the scale was better than it is now. This may not be a permanent change, but right now, it's a MUST! So...along with that change, I have also decided to count every calorie that enters my mouth. I have not been honest with the amount of calories that I am consuming. I mean...what's an extra piece of _______ (fill in the blank) going to matter? It all matters. I confess; I have a body type that's generally more muscular and is well balanced as far as where fat is stored. I can't tell ya how many times I've heard, "You weigh how much? NO WAY...." I say all of that to say, I'm on this journey because I know what healthy feels like. I know and love the benefits of being fit!
Though this blog started out as a 12 week journey, I've decided to shoot for specific dates for goals to be met. My goals will extend past 12 weeks...The list is below...
March 10th (170's) : Marathon Day
April 21st (150's) : Birthday Weekend
June 1st (Hott Bod): Swim Suit Time...last summer before pregnancy...fingers crossed :)
Ok...there you have it. Specifically, I would like to be 155 by my birthday! I know that I can do this. In fact, I will do this. I can't wait to post progress posts for you all! Hmmm...I think I'll start weekly progress pictures again. Alright...there you have it :)
Happy Wednesday!
I'm no genius, but I know that somethings gotta change. I'm gonna let bumps in the road remind me that I'm moving. I'm going to let obstacles remind me that there's a goal. So, I've had to figure a few things out. I've decided that I am only going to allow myself to weigh in ONCE a week. I can't allow myself to get on the scale anymore than that. If I see a good number, I treat myself. If I see a "bad" number, I treat myself. See where this is going?!?!? There have been times where my relationship with the scale was better than it is now. This may not be a permanent change, but right now, it's a MUST! So...along with that change, I have also decided to count every calorie that enters my mouth. I have not been honest with the amount of calories that I am consuming. I mean...what's an extra piece of _______ (fill in the blank) going to matter? It all matters. I confess; I have a body type that's generally more muscular and is well balanced as far as where fat is stored. I can't tell ya how many times I've heard, "You weigh how much? NO WAY...." I say all of that to say, I'm on this journey because I know what healthy feels like. I know and love the benefits of being fit!
Though this blog started out as a 12 week journey, I've decided to shoot for specific dates for goals to be met. My goals will extend past 12 weeks...The list is below...
March 10th (170's) : Marathon Day
April 21st (150's) : Birthday Weekend
June 1st (Hott Bod): Swim Suit Time...last summer before pregnancy...fingers crossed :)
Ok...there you have it. Specifically, I would like to be 155 by my birthday! I know that I can do this. In fact, I will do this. I can't wait to post progress posts for you all! Hmmm...I think I'll start weekly progress pictures again. Alright...there you have it :)
Happy Wednesday!
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Good News...
I am happy to report, I am back on track! Yes, that is why there's a picture of train tracks posted above. sure does feel good. In fact, my hubby is on track too!!! I love loving fitness and nutrition again. It's like I lost myself for a little while. Not sure where I went or why I went there, but I know I'm back. I'm back to where I was before. I now want to workout and eat well. I want to consume water. It's funny how tiny results can really give you the extra push. As you may have noticed from my progress link on the right, I lost 3 pounds this past week. Here's the thing...that weight loss only reflects 70% of what I'm really capable of . Just think of what I could do if I actually buckled down :) Though this post is short and sweet, it's filled with much excitement. Fit Corletta is right around the corner. Stay tuned :)
Happy Tuesday!
Happy Tuesday!
Friday, January 27, 2012
This is the kicker...
I know the picture is blurry, but the words are clear. This, my friends, sums it all up. This is true for me! As I was reading other's blogs, I came across this quote. Why do we allow ourselves to give up if we truly hate the feeling of defeat? Hmmm...that is the question. It appears that I may not hate defeat as much as I should. Anyways....wanted to update you all with my newest excitement. No, I'm not having a baby :) Though I've tried to get my husband on board, again, with diet and exercise, he had to decide for himself. I won't lie; getting up EARLY in the morning, only to see him knocked out, was discouraging. Wanting to eat well, but having no support, was DISCOURAGING. The times that I have lost weight have been when my hubby was on board. Get this; last night he asked me how many calories were in the dinner that I cooked! I thought, "Who the heck knows. I've stopped counting all of that because it was like pulling teeth to get you to help." Now, I didn't say that out loud, but I wanted to! Anyways...his comment let's me know that he is back in the game. He is working out with buddies, weighing himself, and watching his calorie intake. Ya'll....I AM SO EXCITED!! It reminds me that I am not in it alone. By the way...he looks great!
So...I'm continuing to take one day at a time! I will be back on Monday to post my weight and tell ya how I've done! Keep following; this journey's only begun!
p.s. I'm feeling smaller!
So...I'm continuing to take one day at a time! I will be back on Monday to post my weight and tell ya how I've done! Keep following; this journey's only begun!
p.s. I'm feeling smaller!
Monday, January 23, 2012
All I needed :)
- Water Intake
- Calories Consumption
- Quiet Time Spent with Christ
I believe this effort will reward me with great numbers on the scale. New Corletta in 5.....4.....3....2....1......
GAME ON :) Happy Monday!
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Marathon Training....a love/hate relationship :/
You may be wondering why there' a gigantic 15 at the top of this post. Well...this was how many miles I ran in the RAIN :/ When I woke up, I was over running before it even started. It was raining and my running partner was 30 minutes away. Of course, she was all kinds of excited to run. I, on the other hand, did not want to run. I'm not a laced up my shoes and headed out the door. She told me that it wasn't raining where we would be running. Of course, there was a DOWNPOUR when I got there :/. Nope...I didn't have a fancy waterproof running jacket (my partner did though :/...only slightly bitter :) ) So...we were off. Now...I've run a marathon before. I've trained in the rain before. My partner, on the other hand, has not. Though she began super pumped, she ended less than excited. We were completely soaked with aching knees, but WE DID IT!!! I tell ya; this run reminded me that I'm alive. Though it was a little unnerving having to run past numerous cemeteries, I thought, "Corletta, you're not dead, so persevere. You've been given another day to worship Christ. so through this run. Give it all you've got. " Believe it or not, this 'have to have music when I run' girl ran 11 miles with no tunes. I listened to the wind,rain, and cars. It was so stinkin refreshing. Finishing the run reminded me of just how strong my body really is. Now, don't let all of this fool you. I've still got lbs to lose :) You would think that the pounds would fall off after running a gazillion miles. Well...this just ain't true :)
Anyways...I'll be posting weight lose on Monday! I've done really well this week. I still want to work harder on getting to the gym during the originally decided times. Also, I want to be more consistent with my water drinking. Also (as if there aren't already enough things added), I want to make sure that I'm getting enough sleep.
So...keep reading!
Anyways...I'll be posting weight lose on Monday! I've done really well this week. I still want to work harder on getting to the gym during the originally decided times. Also, I want to be more consistent with my water drinking. Also (as if there aren't already enough things added), I want to make sure that I'm getting enough sleep.
So...keep reading!
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Yea...I've been away from this here blog for far to long... may have been wondering where I've been. I'll tell ya. WAY TO BUSY TO BLOG. Now, I've really wanted to blog. If I had, you would have read all kinds of things about me being frustrated that I'm not giving this journey my all. I've worked hard. The problem is only allow myself to reach a certain point before I head back in the direction that's most comfortable.'s always the dead end road. Why do I continue to head down the same road that I know leads to irritation, frustration, etc? As a therapist, I understand that it's important for me to answer this question. I know all of the things to do and the things not to do. It's almost as if I want my excess weight to fall off with little to no effort. Again, I know that that's not going to be the way it happens. I'm so tired of being in the same place, yet I do very little to get out of this place. What is it that makes the dead endness (new word) of this road so enjoyable. After all, I must be getting some sort of temporary gain from it. Hmmm...let me think.......
I think that there might be a fear to fail. Wait. That doesn't make a bit of sense. By doing nothing, I fail. Hmmm...let me think some more...
I don't know :/ I will take some time to think about this. I'm tired of not allowing Corletta to be the best stinkin Corletta she can be. I want to feel great about my figure. I want to feel great about my efforts. While away from the blog world, I ran another half marathon. It was tough as all get out. I've actually thought about totally giving up the idea of running my planned March marathon. I'm not a quitter. I've run a half and a full before. I've just gotta do it again. Maybe this blog should be more about my marathon training.'s worth a shot. Anyways...this is my last go at getting to my goal. My goal is still 155 by April 21, that's my birthday!! I'm all up for hott jeans for a hott 29 year old :) bahahaha...I just made myself laugh out loud!
p.s. I've got 38 pounds to lose in 13 weeks! I can totally do that :) Watch out world...
Happy Tuesday!
I think that there might be a fear to fail. Wait. That doesn't make a bit of sense. By doing nothing, I fail. Hmmm...let me think some more...
I don't know :/ I will take some time to think about this. I'm tired of not allowing Corletta to be the best stinkin Corletta she can be. I want to feel great about my figure. I want to feel great about my efforts. While away from the blog world, I ran another half marathon. It was tough as all get out. I've actually thought about totally giving up the idea of running my planned March marathon. I'm not a quitter. I've run a half and a full before. I've just gotta do it again. Maybe this blog should be more about my marathon training.'s worth a shot. Anyways...this is my last go at getting to my goal. My goal is still 155 by April 21, that's my birthday!! I'm all up for hott jeans for a hott 29 year old :) bahahaha...I just made myself laugh out loud!
p.s. I've got 38 pounds to lose in 13 weeks! I can totally do that :) Watch out world...
Happy Tuesday!
Monday, January 2, 2012
Let's start over...Day 1 it is :)
It's a NEW YEAR!!! Thank God! I needed a good redo. As you can see from my progress to the right, I've got to get back on track. Ya'll, I love to exercise. My biggest problem is nutrition. I know everything that I need to do in order to get to my goal weight. After all, I've done it before. Thankfully, me and 3 of my friends have decided to meet every Wednesday to share our progress. This, I think, is just what I've needed. I've gotten on the scale and I've made my goals. Of course, I have lots of other goals that I would like to meet as well. All of my goals point to the fact that I want to feel happy and healthy as pursue Christlikeness!!! I'm excited to share my half and full marathon training with you all!! As a matter of fact, I have a half marathon this weekend! Though I am not looking forward to running in the cold, I am looking forward to running this race. It's been awhile since I've done a half! Competing will remind me that I am an athlete that's capable of meeting all of my goals!
Ooooo to be in a hott pair of designer jeans for my 29th birthday! This girl is not waiting until 30 to get in tip top shape!
So...follow me as I am honest about my journey to FABULOUS! Today, I decided not only to run my 3 training miles, but also to do an hour spin class!! That's right; this girl burned 774 calories! 2012's mantra goes a little something like this: Winners make and achieve goals; losers make excuses and achieve nothing!
So...let's be WINNERS!!!!
p.s. Instead of posting daily progress pictures, I will post weekly progress pictures!!
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