Saturday, September 1, 2012


As you can see, it has been a few days since I've posted.  Reassured, I have been working hard!!  This girl has not fallen off the wagon.  In fact, look to the right to see this week's progress.  Yes, I am pretty proud of that! Let me just say, this not getting on the scale thing was HARD.  It seemed as though all I thought about was weighing myself.  I wanted to know...each day.  I just couldn't wait to see what the scale would reveal. BUT.....I didn't weigh.  I didn't even take a peek.  Can you believe it?!?!!?  Anyways...I am pumped I was able to lose 4 pounds!  Time to press on for another 4 pound loss.
Though I rather not have to share this news, I know that it's important to confess the things that make this journey tough.  This morning, at around 2 am, my hubby and I got the call that his mother had passed away :( It was the worst news that could have come out of his mouth.  My heart hurt for him.  I wanted to be able to reverse things so that he wouldn't ever have to get that kind of call.  I couldn't. I was helpless.  All I wanted to do was make it go away.  Though the details of her death are still being discussed, it appears to have been a health related issue.  Though I want to have her here, I want nothing more than for her to continue to enjoy the prescence of Christ!  I know that she loved Jesus with all of her heart!! For that, my hubby and I are greatful!!  Please pray for my family during this time.  Though there are things in life we can't control, there are things that we can!!  

Today, I'm cherishing my family, life, health, and this journey!!! 

Happy Saturday!


  1. Woohoo!! I see you lost 4 lbs!!! Good job!! Keep it up, Girl! You are doing great!

  2. I'm so sorry for you loss! And congrats on your weight loss! :)

  3. Sorry to hear about your mother in law :( I'll be praying for you and your husband's family.

  4. Praying for your family during this time. Blessings, friend.
