So...this morning was filled with Insane workouts from Insanity!!! Ya'll...this stuff is really hard :( I already sweat like a man, but these workouts turn on the faucet. HOLY MOLY!!! No really...it is absurd. Last night, the hott hubby and I fell asleep. We tried to take an hour break between dinner and working out. Doing the workouts at night are difficult. I'm not sure when to eat, when to workout, or when to get the kids ready for bed. So...we are still trying to figure out the best time to fit everything in!!! Just know...we ARE doing them!!! Though these dang workouts are killer...we're following through until the end. I'm excited about the results that we will see!!! To be honest, I'm already feeling stronger :) With that said, I thought I'd post this fun pinterest picture for today. As a therapist, I enjoy finding motivational quotes or hearing motivational stories. I love seeing people overcome difficult situations. Unfortunately, I often look over the times that I have overcome tough obstacles. I guess that's the nature of the beast when you're a people helper :) I promise; I'm getting better!!! Anyways...this cute picture just reminded me that I can and should thrive wherever I am!! My life is more than my circumstances or shortcomings!!! Living is a choice!!! No matter what, I want to be able to say that I have given life my all. This journey is a part of that. So...here's to being excellant in all we do!!!
Happy Wednesday!
hi! well done for doing insanity! i have heard so much about it! thanks for the comment on my blog yesterday! much appreciated! It is always so hard to know when to work out, when i used to do it (!) i would do it inthe morning as although you have to egt up early i didnt have any distractions, going ot start swimming int e mornings again soon! 6am starts! yay!!