Thursday, September 13, 2012


It's Day 32 of my 70 day challenge.  Man...I am tired!!!  Today was one of the first days that I realized that I have a tough job.  As a high school therapist, I speak to so many high school students. I get to share in their joy as well as in their pain.  Yesterday and today were painful days for the majority of them :/  I'm sure you can guess what that meant for me. got it.  I was/am tired and unmotivated to workout :(   GOOD NEWS..... 

I worked out despite my desire to head to bed early.  Thanks to my husband and this quote, I'm encouraged to keep pushing.  I want to be more fit.  I want to love health and fitness!!!  So...I gotta get moving.  I've got to break a sweat!

Today was Insanity's pure cardio day.  HOLY CANOLI....IT WAS PURE POOP :)  Insanity makes me question my sanity EVERY time I do it.  No really...EVERY TIME.  I wonder if that's what their going for?!?!?!  

Wait, wait, wait....did I mention that this girl is also battling a stomach bug?  I know; I need a break from tough stuff! Oh well...I'm a firm believer that we can't truly experience success without experiencing trials.  

All's bed time :)  Talk to you soon!!!  

p.s. New readers....WELCOME!!!!


  1. Mad props on working out while fighting a stomach bug!!! And thank you so much for sharing that quote. WTG!!!

    P.S. I cannot imagine what it takes to be a HS counselor. Yesterday I watched the movie -Beyond the Blackboard- and boy oh boy hats off and an everlasting standing ovation to teachers and counselors!!!

  2. Hi! how are you? how is the weigh tloss journey going? I am going through a miny blip at the moment... still at 205. When will we get to see onederland!!!! Hope to hear form you soon! xx
