I looked at my Pinterest boards for clever things to post, I came across this. I loved it so much, I had to share! First, let me update you from yesterday. I decided, last night, not to go to Body Pump. The old Corletta would beat herself up about this decision. After all, I didn't have anything better to do. The new Corletta, however, continued to eat well and make the best of the rest of the night. Wait a minute...the reason that I was unable to make it to the gym is because I was TOTALLY sidetracked my my cussing 4 year old foster son :( I spent so much energy rehashing our previous conversations that I was not feeling it. So...I skipped it. Fast forward to today. I made it to my morning Body Pump!!! For those of you that have never been, IT IS A WORKOUT OUT!!! WHAT THE HECK?!?!?! Why would something so simple be so hard?!?!?! I was sweating like you would not believe! I confess; I could sweat just watching others exercise. I....Corletta B...sweat like a man :) I digress! I've decided that I will be hitting the gym again tonight for a spin and core class!!! Though I did get a good workout in, there's nothing like a good cardio class, at least to me. On Day 2 of this journey, I am beginning to realize that it's important for me to get used to being umcomfortable. In fact, I just read this very same thing on one of my favorite blogs. Getting fat is easy. Making excuses is easy. Getting fit and staying fit...not so easy!!! Here's to doing the right thing even when it doesn't "feel" so right!!!! Just like the picture above, there is nothing that's impossible!!!! IM POSSIBLE!!!!
Happy Tuesday!
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