Thursday, September 27, 2012

What Day Is It :/

Where have I been?!?!  I'm still here!!! I promise! Though weight loss hasn't been stellar, I am learning to make healthier choices and set boundaries.  Thanks to the Fall, my active life can get more exciting.  I confess; since my mother-in-laws passing, it's been hard getting back on the wagon.  Though life is back to normal, the break that had to come has made getting back on track Oooo SO DIFFICULT.  I do think that I will be able to celebrate being in the 100's again this weekend, but dog-on-it, I should be much further along in this journey :(  At this point, I need to move on.  I can't harp on the fact that I haven't been all that I started out to be.  In fact, I can't harp on the fact that life takes unexpected turns.  This girl is pressing on.  Let's be honest; I'm learning to be flexible.  I'm learning that it's ok to create a plan that does not quite turn out the way that you originally set out for it to turn out.  Corletta, IT'S OK!!! So...I am just plugging along.  Life as a therapist has been CRAZY BUSY!! I love my kiddos, but God Bless their DRAMA :)  Speaking of drama, did I mention that my husband and I will be getting a new foster child on Tuesday?!?!?!  HOLY MOLY!!!!  I will be the parent of 3 foster babies!!!  Did I mention that we don't have any children of our own?  Yea...this will be the first time I've been totally responsible for a 1 year old :/ EEEKKKKKKK.....

Anyways...I wanted to update you all on all of the current events in my life.  I know it's been way to long since I've been on here.  As a matter of fact, I'm gonna make a pact with myself.  I, Corletta B, will blog at least a sentence a day to stay connected with those that are pursuing similar goals as myself.  OK....there you have it!!! You will hear from me even if it's only to say, I'm up with a screaming 1 year old :)  I hope that each of you are having a great Thursday!!!  Stay coming soon....

Thursday, September 13, 2012


It's Day 32 of my 70 day challenge.  Man...I am tired!!!  Today was one of the first days that I realized that I have a tough job.  As a high school therapist, I speak to so many high school students. I get to share in their joy as well as in their pain.  Yesterday and today were painful days for the majority of them :/  I'm sure you can guess what that meant for me. got it.  I was/am tired and unmotivated to workout :(   GOOD NEWS..... 

I worked out despite my desire to head to bed early.  Thanks to my husband and this quote, I'm encouraged to keep pushing.  I want to be more fit.  I want to love health and fitness!!!  So...I gotta get moving.  I've got to break a sweat!

Today was Insanity's pure cardio day.  HOLY CANOLI....IT WAS PURE POOP :)  Insanity makes me question my sanity EVERY time I do it.  No really...EVERY TIME.  I wonder if that's what their going for?!?!?!  

Wait, wait, wait....did I mention that this girl is also battling a stomach bug?  I know; I need a break from tough stuff! Oh well...I'm a firm believer that we can't truly experience success without experiencing trials.  

All's bed time :)  Talk to you soon!!!  

p.s. New readers....WELCOME!!!!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Hi!!! I'm still here!!  Without rehashing all of the sadness that my family and I have been through, I will tell you what I've learned.  But first, let me thank all of you that wrote kind notes about your thoughts and prayers for me during this difficult time.  It meant so much to me  to know that people were praying for us :)  So....THANK YOU!!! Though I wish that I could say I continued working out hard and eating well, this was not the case.  There were days that I don't remember eating :(  There were days that I stuffed my face with really greasy mess :(  There were days that I exercised until I couldn't anymore.  Of course, there were days that exercise was the last thing on my mind.  To put it in a nutshell....I'm gotta start again.  Though I wanted to speak with you all, it was impossible.  I broke all kinds of rules.  I weighed myself at the worst times.  At one point, the scale said 195. At another it said 205.  I don't know.  Between stress, TOM, and overeating, who the heck knows where I really am.  So...I am gonna guess and say that I am at 203 :(  I will update you again on Saturday :)  I'm hoping for 190 something again :) 

Hmm....taking a break from blogging has me at a loss for words :/  I have so much to say, but so little space or time to say it.  Just know; I just finished my Insanity workout with my hubby.  Yes, I did puke :/  Bless was ridiculously hard.  Oh well...I'm not giving up :)  I can do this!!  I'm gonna do this!!!   In fact, I've learned a valuable lesson from my mommy-in-law's passing.  I've realized that God has entrusted me with one body and one life.  I am to be  a good steward of both.  I've rushed so much of my life trying to get to the next goal.  Today, I'm meeting today's potential.  At the end of each day, I want to be able to say that I did everything I could to truly honor my Savior and the gifts that He's given to me.  So...though I have a weight loss goal in mind, I'm focusing on every second of every day as if it's my last, for it may be.  

Thank you Jesus for LIFE!!!!

Saturday, September 1, 2012


As you can see, it has been a few days since I've posted.  Reassured, I have been working hard!!  This girl has not fallen off the wagon.  In fact, look to the right to see this week's progress.  Yes, I am pretty proud of that! Let me just say, this not getting on the scale thing was HARD.  It seemed as though all I thought about was weighing myself.  I wanted to know...each day.  I just couldn't wait to see what the scale would reveal. BUT.....I didn't weigh.  I didn't even take a peek.  Can you believe it?!?!!?  Anyways...I am pumped I was able to lose 4 pounds!  Time to press on for another 4 pound loss.
Though I rather not have to share this news, I know that it's important to confess the things that make this journey tough.  This morning, at around 2 am, my hubby and I got the call that his mother had passed away :( It was the worst news that could have come out of his mouth.  My heart hurt for him.  I wanted to be able to reverse things so that he wouldn't ever have to get that kind of call.  I couldn't. I was helpless.  All I wanted to do was make it go away.  Though the details of her death are still being discussed, it appears to have been a health related issue.  Though I want to have her here, I want nothing more than for her to continue to enjoy the prescence of Christ!  I know that she loved Jesus with all of her heart!! For that, my hubby and I are greatful!!  Please pray for my family during this time.  Though there are things in life we can't control, there are things that we can!!  

Today, I'm cherishing my family, life, health, and this journey!!! 

Happy Saturday!