Thursday, December 15, 2011

Day 4

Oh how I love being honest!  Being honest to myself is huge.  I am excited that I get to share that with anyone reading.  During Day 3...I noticed something about myself.  Before we talk about that, I will give you yesterday's summary:
  1. Again, I didn't count everything that I ate.  Because of that, this was the day that spurging came into play (problem # 1)
  2. I only burned the calories from yesterday morning's workout. Why?  I had McDonald's with the family rather than getting my butt in the gym. (problem # 2)
  3. Yesterday was my 5 mile run day.  The original plan was 5 miles in the am and something to make me sweat in the pm :)
  4. 1 Gallon of water consumed
  5. Thoughts: I am beginning to see some negative patterns creap in.  I love that I am aware and desire to do something about this.
  6. Small Victory: The feeling of blah leads me to want to stay away from fast food rather than indulge in it!
So...this is where I am.  Though I made some not so great decisions yesterday, I am ready to make good one's today.  I no longer want to hide under cute clothes.  I felt icky this morning after consuming fatty fast food calories.  I like that I feel yucky.  This means that I am aware of how food fuels or disrupts this journey.  Man...this is a big step :)  I confess; there have been times that I have eaten poorly only to think, "it's not like this meal will make that much of a difference."  It does make a difference.  In this journey, like in many others, I am not standing still.  I am either moving forward or moving backward., I choose to move forward.  This morning's workout was a 1 mile warm-up run followed by an intense bicep, tricep, and shoulder workout!!!  I burned 482.42 calories!  Hope to see you tomorrow for my PROGRESS update :)  Happy Thursday!

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