Thursday, December 15, 2011

Day 4

Oh how I love being honest!  Being honest to myself is huge.  I am excited that I get to share that with anyone reading.  During Day 3...I noticed something about myself.  Before we talk about that, I will give you yesterday's summary:
  1. Again, I didn't count everything that I ate.  Because of that, this was the day that spurging came into play (problem # 1)
  2. I only burned the calories from yesterday morning's workout. Why?  I had McDonald's with the family rather than getting my butt in the gym. (problem # 2)
  3. Yesterday was my 5 mile run day.  The original plan was 5 miles in the am and something to make me sweat in the pm :)
  4. 1 Gallon of water consumed
  5. Thoughts: I am beginning to see some negative patterns creap in.  I love that I am aware and desire to do something about this.
  6. Small Victory: The feeling of blah leads me to want to stay away from fast food rather than indulge in it!
So...this is where I am.  Though I made some not so great decisions yesterday, I am ready to make good one's today.  I no longer want to hide under cute clothes.  I felt icky this morning after consuming fatty fast food calories.  I like that I feel yucky.  This means that I am aware of how food fuels or disrupts this journey.  Man...this is a big step :)  I confess; there have been times that I have eaten poorly only to think, "it's not like this meal will make that much of a difference."  It does make a difference.  In this journey, like in many others, I am not standing still.  I am either moving forward or moving backward., I choose to move forward.  This morning's workout was a 1 mile warm-up run followed by an intense bicep, tricep, and shoulder workout!!!  I burned 482.42 calories!  Hope to see you tomorrow for my PROGRESS update :)  Happy Thursday!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Day 3

So...let's begin this post with Day 3's pictures :)

Because I'm used to hiding under clothes, I decided, from here on out, I'm doing pictures Biggest Loser style :)  Before we talk about this morning's workout, let me update you from yesterday's summary:

  1. I am unsure how many calories I ate :/ Because dinner's calories weren't counted, I am unsure.  I know that it was somewhere around 1600.  Because I have an Type A personality, I am going to have to start counting everything that enters my mouth.  This will keep me accountable too!
  2. already reported, I forgot my heart rate monitor yesterday am....yesterday's pm workout helped me burn 400 calories!
  3. AM: Plyometrics (Legs) PM:Elliptical
  4. 1 Gallon of water consumed
  5. Thoughts: I began to believe that I have what it takes to get to my goal!
  6. Victories: I went to the gym after a hard's day of work.  Though my husband told me that he would be working late, I knew that this could not be a reason for me to skip my workout.  Because I have an all or nothing attitude, his being late threw a wrench in my planned 1 hour cardio session. Guess what?  I went anyways and worked hard for the 30 minutes that I could!
As for this am, I woke up at 3 and headed to the gym!  I completed my scheduled 5 mile run, burning 600 calories.  I confess, I forgot to turn the HRM off :(  It read 791, but I took off 191 calories just to be safe :)  Though working out with my super fit running buddy is sometimes discouraging, I don't have to be discouraged!!  She is positive and I have what it takes!! focus is now off of her great body and on to the work that I have ahead of me.  After all, having a fit body requires focus and HARD WORK. RIGHT?!?!  

Happy Wednesday!
p.s I forgot to mention that I am currently training for my second half marathon and second full marathon!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Official start....Day 2... is the official day that I begin revealing my road to success.  Yes, I have tried this before and did show a lot of success; however, I only blogged about the things that I wanted you all to know.  I didn't blog about ALL of the failures, cheats, discouragements, etc.  This time I will be HONEST!!  After all, this blog was created to inspire me.  I want to see my progress.  I want to see where I'm weak.  It's in times of weakness that we can truly understand strength...right? Prepare yourself, I will be hard on myself, but I will celebrate the small victories!  I know what I'm made of.  It's time to move to action.  No more staring at everyone else wishing I hadn't allowed myself to gain 41 pounds.  Here's the thing.  I hide it well; however, I don't want to have to hide anymore!!  So....HERE I AM :)  Here's what you will see in this blog:
  1. Daily Progress Pictures
  2. Calorie Intake
  3. If I remember my heart rate monitor, calories burned
  4. Workouts completed
  5. Water Intake
  6. General Thoughts
  7. Victories
Here are 2 starting pictures:

 they are!  These pictures were taken after a very difficult leg workout.  Though I felt defeated in parts of the workout, I pressed on.  Though my legs were on fire, I knew that this workout was moving me towards my goal!  So...I completed it!!  Now....on to work!  Happy Tuesday!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Day 1

Tomorrow is officially the first day that I will be blogging about my progress.  As for tonight, I am super sleepy and ready for a great workout in the am!  Though I'm a bit frustrated that I am back at having to lose 41 pounds, this presents a challenge that I am ready for! So...stay tuned!  This ride should be very interesting :)